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Agglomerate in marble and quartz


Recomposed and agglomerated in marble and quartz

What are they?

The composites can be of two types with a natural raw material, Marble and Quartz.

Marble Composites

Marble composites contain more than 90% marble and the rest resin.

They are produced in blocks to find applications even where large thicknesses are required. Their composition, with a high percentage of stone material and a minimum content of synthetic binder, means that the resulting characteristics are comparable to those of marble.

They are available on the market in various patterns and color combinations.

Quartz Composites

Quartz composites contain more than 90% quartz, and the remaining is resin.

This type of material is produced in slabs with thicknesses ranging from 12 to 30 mm. Thanks to new technologies for quartz composites it is possible to obtain slabs with veins that simulate some types of natural marble.


Use of recomposed materials for the creation of bathtubs and washbasins, in the Easy design work

The composites have the main physical and mechanical characteristics comparable to those of natural stones, with a high mechanical resistance to impact, abrasion and bending.

The characteristics of hardness, absence of porous surfaces, and inalterability over time makes marble and quartz composites suitable for use in floors, bathrooms, kitchens and boiserie, both in private and public environments.

Both types of composites, besides an excellent mechanical strength that makes them resistant to impacts and scratches, are also prestigious and high quality, resistant to acids, and are easy to clean. All these features make them free of alterations in the long run.

Both types, marble and quartz, can be used to cover interior and exterior walls, floors, kitchen tops, hotels, stores and wellness areas.


The finishes for composites are many, according to the one you chose you will obtain different final aesthetic effects. In addition to the following finishes. Vicentina Marmi has the expertise to realize and recommend other types of finishes, depending on the aesthetic effects you wish to obtain or on the applications required.

Glossy: to obtain a perfectly smooth surface with the property of reflecting light, suitable to give brightness to the environments.

Smooth: to obtain a smooth but opaque and porous surface. Light reflection will be lower than that of a glossy finish.

Brushed: to obtain a non-homogeneous surface, called orange peel. The purpose is to obtain an antique, time-worn appearance.

Examples of finishes of recomposed and agglomerates in marble and quartz


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